Go Back: Module 2: History of Race and Racism | You Are Here: Module 3: Defining Race and Racism | Next: Module 4: Implicit Bias and Microaggressions |
After working through this module, you will be able to:
- Define race, racism, and related terms in ways that are consistent with racial equity advocates’ use of these terms.
- Compare these definitions to the ways that these terms are colloquially used.
To work effectively toward racial equity across systems and organizations, we need to share a common understanding of concepts that are foundational to this work. However, seemingly straightforward terms like “race” and “racism” can be defined very differently from one context to another. In this module, we will develop a shared understanding of concepts that are central to racial equity work.
In Module 2 (History of Race and Racism), we explored the history of race as a concept in the United States. Watch this brief video from Vox to review the historical evolution of this term.
For each term below, spend a few minutes defining the term. Search engines are tempting, but please try not to use them for this activity – come up with your own definition. After you define each term, click the arrow to see our definition.
Now, let’s put these six terms together to create a shared understanding of racism.
Racism is:
- a system of advantage based on race;
- a system of oppression based on race;
- social and institutional power PLUS racial prejudice.
Racism is NOT:
- racial prejudice, hatred, or discrimination.
Let’s unpack this definition, because this conception of racism may be different from the ways you have heard the term used in other contexts. Racial equity advocates define racism as a system – a set of things that work together for a common purpose or with a common outcome. Remember from our definition of “system” above that once established, a system does not require planning or initiative of individual people. Because inequity and differential treatment are embedded in the social, economic, and political systems of our country and therefore seen as “normal,” systemic racism would exist even if racial prejudice and racial hatred were completely eliminated.
Racism is both a system of advantage (for whites) and a system of oppression (for BIPOC). The system was created to concentrate social and institutional power among those designated as “white,” and to exclude all others from receiving these benefits. Again, because these systems are self-perpetuating, differential outcomes according to race will continue to be produced by them regardless of the action or inaction of individual people within the system, unless and until the system itself is changed.
Finally, racism is more than mere prejudice, hatred, or discrimination based on race. As we noted above, no one is completely free of prejudice, and it is certainly possible for a person of color to have negative prejudices toward white people. What elevates racial prejudice to racism, however, is the social and institutional power that allows one group to carry out systematic discrimination using the major institutions of society. Because, in the United States, these institutions were created and are still largely controlled by white people, racism refers specifically to a system that advantages whiteness and oppresses people of color and Indigenous people.
Another set of terms that are frequently confused is race, ethnicity, and nationality. For example, does “Latino” refer to race, ethnicity, or national origin? Watch the two videos below to explore the differences between these terms.
First, watch this quick overview from the Western Justice Center that explains the differences between race, ethnicity, and nationality using jellybeans.
Next, explore this issue in more depth with the Sociology Crash Course video “Race & Ethnicity,” in which host Nicole Sweeney provides an excellent, research-grounded overview of the past, present, and potential future uses of these terms.
We have defined the term “racism” today in a way that is consistent with how scholars, activists, and others working toward racial equity across systems use this term. However, it’s important to acknowledge that not everyone shares this definition of racism. Over the next week, note in your journal any time you hear or see the word “racism” used in conversation, on the news, in readings, etc. Are people using this term in a way that is consistent with our definition? If not, how are they using the term and what are the potential consequences of using the word in that way?
But Wait!
In this section, we address common questions and concerns related to the material presented in each module. You may have these questions yourself, or someone you’re sharing this information with might raise them. We recommend that for each question below, you spend a few minutes thinking about your own response before clicking the arrow to the left of the question to see our response.
I’ve heard about “reverse racism.” Isn’t it possible for white people to be the victims of racism?What if a person of color has power over a white person – couldn’t that be racism if the person of color uses their power to discriminate against the white person?
If racial categories don’t have any scientific validity, why don’t we just abandon them and stop categorizing people at all?
Can BIPOC be racist toward other BIPOC?
For more on these issues, see the following resources:
- What is internalized racism? (Book chapter by Donna K. Bivens)
- Why black people discriminate among ourselves: the toxic legacy of colorism (Article by Kaitlyn Greenidge)
- The difference between racism and colorism (Article by Lori L. Tharps)
Additional Resources
- For more about the different forms of racism check out Talking About Race – Being Antiracist from the National Museum of African American History & Culture.
- For definitions of additional terms related to race & racism, check out the Racial Equity Tools Glossary: http://www.racialequitytools.org/glossary#power
- CrashCourse has another sociology video exploring the topic of race and racism. In this video, Nicole Sweeney discusses several theories about why prejudice exists and describes four types of racial interactions.
- For a deeper exploration of how our use of race-related terminology has evolved over time, read the book Racism Without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva.
- When should we call something or someone “racist?” The NPR podcast Code Switch explored this question in a “We Asked, You Answered” article.
- MTV’s Decoded series includes many videos on race and racism produced with a young adult audience in mind. One that is related to this module’s topic is 5 Things You Should Know About Racism.
Go Back: Module 2: History of Race and Racism | You Are Here: Module 3: Defining Race and Racism | Next: Module 4: Implicit Bias and Microaggressions |